21/12/2023 Singapore pastor and team presented souvenirs to Sarikei District Superintendent Rev Yong, Sarikei District Evangelism Commission Chairman and SCAC.
18-19/12/2023 Singapore Grace Baptist Church Kem Kanak-kanak da Kem Muda-mudi
20/12/2023 Singapore Grace Baptist Church Evangelistic cum Christmas Celebration night
19th Dec 2023, 7pm outreach meeting with Singapore Grace Baptist Church at TR Richard (Sarikei). His in-law and family about 7 persons also came
19th Dec 2023, 7pm outreach meeting with Singapore Grace Baptist Church at TR Richard (Sarikei). His in-law and family about 7 persons also came
16th Dec 2023, Missionary Bryan did carolling 18 bilik at Rh Dunggak and Rh Layang.
25/11/23..Su En English Learning Centre…….. English Bible Story Competition.
来自各地的 21 位师训学院生参与我在校园团契聚会的分享。
Bintangor, Sg Sian new long houses outreach meeting at Dewan Masyarakat (4 Iban adults) and 11 Iban children turned up, second monthly meeting 19th Nov 2023, started last October.
By Kai Nguong Methodist Church.
17/6/2023 Selidap (Sarikei) Su En Learning Centre Youth Fellowship Birthday Celebration.
17/6/2023 Earth breaking ceremony for a new Indigenous Church at Selangau Mukah Road by Wesley Methodist Church.
1/2/2023 刘会先牧师与陈潮用弟兄及Rev Peter Shin(团队)考察Sg Kemena 大约10间長屋好让民都鲁有些教会以后去長久牧养。
10/2/2023 布道部Good Harvest Centre Rev Peter Shin与诗巫南教区布道执行会福源堂及万民堂考察Stapang七间常屋TR Jimbau, Bugak, Dagang, Akok, Anching, Bubong, Mangeng.
18th Jan 2023 Mission Survey at Pakan with Rev Peter Shin, Bintangor District 布道执行顧问陈彩營牧师,龚雅芳传道
24/1/2023 Sarikei Selidap刘贤祥夫妇家与原住民孩子慶祝华人新年。
Missionary missionary Bryan and me celebrating Christmas with Rh Dunggak and Layang. Distributing presents given by Emmanuel Methodist Church. 24th Dec 2022.
泗里街SG SELIDAP 述恩楼学习中心(前卫理达德堂)
第三排右起为: Mr. Michael Kong Siaw Ming(老师),杨欣泰先生(泗里街原住民小组组长),刘贤祥先生(帮手),阮斯钦先生(义务本地宣教士),刘银娇女士(校园宣教士),Lily Wong女士(老师),惠清女士(帮手)