Who We Are?

Our purpose

Preach the gospel to the unreached people in the state and lead others to the Lord.


Brief History 简史

Board of Evangelism (BOE) department was parted in it when Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC) was established in the year of 1976. Dao Sheng Methodist Drama Troupe (1985), Evangelism Band Ministry (1936), A Ministry of the Sarawak Indigenous People (MSIP) (2000), BM ministry (2014-2019), and Evangelism Methods Ministry (2014), was also established and parted under BOE department afterward.


Our direction / strategy :

  • Arrange evangelistic meetings (annual meeting/parish/church meeting)
  • Contact with every church districts’ evangelism executive committees
  • Set targets for the number of scheduled baptisms every year, which is allocated to each church districts to implement
  • 安排布道会(年会性/教区性/堂会性)
  • 联系各教区布道执行会圣工
  • 设有每年预定洗礼人数运动,分配到各教区/牧区去落实


  • Lead at least 2500 people to believe in the Lord every year. 
  • By 2020, there can be 10 Malay-speaking pastors, 15 local missionaries, and 3 preachers.
  • 每年至少带领2500人信主。.
  • 在2020年之前能有10位马来语牧者、15位本地宣教士、3位布道家。

Internal structure and current situation :

1. Coordinate various ministries under the department 协调本部属下各事工小组:

a. Evangelism Band Ministry 



b. Dao Sheng Methodist Drama Troupe (Every districts in Sarawak have drama troupes) 



c. Evangelism Methods Ministry 



d. Hakka Ministry 



e. A Ministry for the Indigenous People



i. Adoption and Inspection of longhouses 长屋与领养及考察

ii. Arrangement for the short-term mission teams  短期宣教队安排

iii. Arrangement for the short-term mission teams  资讯与资源发展

iv. Direct mission area: Pa Adang and Ulu Belaga Penan Ministry and Lawas Care Center 直接宣教区:Pa Adang及Ulu Belaga本南人事工及老越关怀中心

2. Supportation/ Adoption/ Cooperation 扶助/认领/合作

a. Memorandum with Sarawak Iban Annual Conference (SIAC) 与卫理伊班年议(SIAC)之备忘录

b. Memorandum with Borneo Evangelical Church 与婆罗洲基督教会(BEM)之备忘录