written by Chairman of BOE, Rev. Wong Kee Sing (2011-2014,2017-Present)

In Sarawak to preach the gospel and evangelize, we must pay attention to the indigenous people. Judging from the current population, the indigenous people have more than 50% of Sarawak’s total population; therefore, in terms of strategic thinking, resource utilization, and manpower arrangements, indigenous civil workers are definitely the focus.

We must also do everything possible to stay contact with the indigenous people through schools, longhouses and churches, also through teachers, missionaries, pastors, brothers and sisters to tell them about Jesus. On the other hand, as long as everyone is willing, young people or anyone can work together on the evangelism of the indigenous people.

Promote Daniel’s plan!

Nowadays, a group of young Chinese has emerged to spread the gospel among the young indigenous people, help the indigenous people know more about the Christian faith, challenge them to dedicate themselves, and guide them in various ways. We plan to call this group of Chinese young people the “Daniel Project” for the following reasons: let the aboriginal people keep their faith; let the aboriginal people become the leaders of the times; and let them influence other aboriginal people. These three aspects are Daniel’s life.

In addition, A Ministry for the Indigenous people group under Board of Evangelism is working hard to develop the Native Language Bible. We have no experience in this area, but we cooperate with SIL to learn and make progress slowly. Gospel, faith, cultivation, and writing are all important. Therefore, we do our best to leave their writings for the indigenous people. This ministry is very difficult, but it is worth it. May the Lord help us.

Currently, there are 15 missionaries and missionary staffs in the Board of Evangelism. But we need more missionaries. Brothers and sisters, or pastors who answered God’s calling can contact the Board of Evangelism. In addition, we also welcome brothers and sisters to share your visions with us. If feasible, the Board of Evangelism can arrange for you to go to the mission fields you suggest to go as missionaries. We are convinced that God also touches your heart and allows you to see future direction and places.

Finally, let us have a reminder and encouragement from Philippians 1:7: “It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.



如今,有一班年轻的华人兴起,在原住民年轻人当中传福音,帮助原住民更加认识基督信仰,挑战他们献身,多方引导他们。我们打算把这班华人年轻人所做的叫“Daniel Project”,原因有:让原住民守住信仰;让原住民成为时代的领袖;也让他们去影响其他原住民。这三方面就是但以理的生命。




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