written by BOE local missionary, Nguang Sii Khing

I joined MSIP in 2003 and it has been 16 years since then. In these years, I have visited many longhouses to share the love of God with the people so they can see the power and grace of God.

I was relieved to see longhouse people thirsting for the word of God; but there is one big problem, that is no one came to shepherd them, they said to me, “Kami sabaka anak manok nadai indai (We’re like chicks without our mother)”. When I heard them calling, I was touched and prayed that God will continue to rule among them so that they can rely on Jehovah with all their hearts and rely on this one and only true God all their lives.

It is inevitable to encounter some obstacles, teasing, and contempt while serving in the ministry of the indigenous people. You must smile calmly to go through it. This is a kind of self-confidence, not discouragement, and calmness. I also ask the Lord to have mercy on them. We must rely on the Lord to be strong, brave, courageous, and never shrink back. God will be with us to complete the ministry entrusted by Him.

Although the journey to the longhouses is a bit difficult, it is difficult to walk through the mountains and rivers, and it is hard to walk, even will be exhausted before reaching the longhouses. After a short break, the gathering (worship) begins. Even though it’s quite tiring but however seeing the people gathered actively, praising God loudly, and listening attentively to our sharing of God’s words made me feel relieved, because they were hungry for God’s words. They will also ask questions after the gathering and even ask us to pray for them. Pastors only come to visit them once or twice a year, so they are eager for missionaries to shepherd them once a month.

In my lifetime, I pray that God’s love surrounds me, and the grace of Jesus changes me and gives me a humble heart to be friends with fellow Ibans, lalu mai berita manah ngagai sida semoa. “Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (2 Corinthians 15:58)

我感到异常欣慰,看到一些长屋居民渴慕上帝的话;但没有人来牧养他们,他们说“Kami sabaka anak manok nadai indai”。当我听到他们呼唤,非常感动,并祈求上帝继续在他们当中掌权,好让他们能专心仰赖耶和华,一生依靠这位独一无二的真神。



在我有生之年,求愿上帝的慈爱环绕我,耶稣的恩典改变我,并赐我有谦卑的心与伊班同胞做朋友,lalu mai berita manah ngagai sida semoa。

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