September 25, 2020

The ministry of local missionaries and your response 本地宣教士与你的回应

The ministry of local missionaries and your response.本地宣教士的事工与您的回应。 written by director of BOE, Rev Law Hui Seng The Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC) BOE Ministry for the Sarawak Indigenous People group has served the indigenous people for more than 20 years. From the beginning, I am more or less involved in this ministry. I write, …

The ministry of local missionaries and your response 本地宣教士与你的回应 Read More »

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.举目向田观看,庄家熟了!

Even so, God still cares for the orphans and widows here. Although they don’t know God and commit many crimes. Therefore, God opened the way to set up a church, in order to bring the gospel of love to the local people, patiently feed them until they are completely free from the old life and in the future can become the light and salt of the world.